Thursday, May 25, 2006

Bang and Olufsen Incorporates SD Cards in its Music Systems

beosound4_4Bang and Olufsen is a company which has a different take on digital music. Yeah they have the usual products like a portable MP3 player which also accepts memory cards like SD varieties. Our first graphic here provides three music entertainment gadgets that go hand in hand with each other.

beosound4_2First off we have the BeoSound 4. This system is stationary in your house and you use it to listen to radio, cds, etc. Then if you want to record a radio program, you can use the Beosound 4 and you can choose what media to record on, either a CD-R or an SD Card!

beosound2_2beosound3_1On the road, you can then listen to the recording using either of their two portable products. The small disc shaped one of course is an MP3 player that you can tag along with you. You can then stick your SD Card there and listen to the music. The next one with the handle, looking like a rocket, is the BeoSound3 and is portable as well but it has an FM Radio. You also play your CDs and music on your SD Card in there as well!

This graphic from the company's website is a very good representation on how SD-Cards are used in the BeoSound Systems.


Tomorrow we will have more of the Beosound with insights from the people of Bang and Olufsen themselves.

Source: Bang and Olufsen

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posted by Henry Marcos at 3:20 AM

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