Friday, May 05, 2006

Fun with Flash Memory: The USB Flash Drive That Expands

Plusminus Design has created the USB Flash Bag! A kind of Flash Drive that expands in size as you put more files into it. This is a fun way to indicate if you already have lots of files in your drive. Rather than for mobility since it will be hard to carry once it is bloated, this drive can actually be useful for other purposes.

- Forgetful people who do not backup or manage the number of files in the drive until they found out that it is too full. Actually there are drives that have LCDs in them wherein you can view file information but for other people I this is more useful since you can immediately see if the drive is bloated.

- Old people who need to be reminded that they have too much files and maybe it is time to transfer the files in other media like CD-Roms unless they plan on having the USB as permanent storage.

- The techie who has everything.

- Fun for a child too! It comes with a Spongebob version that bloats as well!

All photos used with permission from Plusminus. Click here to see more of their products.

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posted by Henry Marcos at 1:18 AM

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