Thursday, May 18, 2006

Is the Kingston DTE Privacy Edition The Most Secured Flash Drive?

In this interview with Mark Leathem, Kingston's director of digital media business development, the company's new DTE Privacy Edition USB drive might be the most secured yet since the security is is on the hardware level.

"Kingston DTEP drive is the first USB drive that is 100 percent private. What this means is that all data saved to the device is automatically encrypted on the fly, with no additional IT or user intervention. The drive features 128-bit AES hardware encryption. The benefit of hardware based encryption is two-fold. First off, it ensures that the encrypting does not take place in what is essentially the public domain (using the CPU and RAM ) making it open to software ( Malware, Trojans ) looking for traces of the activity; further, on the hardware side, the RAM itself is a potential weak link. Secondly, it doesn’t require a user to download any special software for de encryption."

Source: Kingston Technology's Mark Leathem on USB drive security

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posted by Henry Marcos at 2:49 AM

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