Thursday, June 22, 2006

In the Pockets of A Terrorist

The US Military has been shamed in the past when their secret files were being sold off the markets of Afghanistan, Now its the terrorist turn to feel the heat because of some flash drives.

When Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was found dead after an all out assault. on his home. After that the military was looking for anything that could help them in the war against terror. They found a treasure trove of information on o USB drive. The authenticity of such information cannot be questioned since the drive was found on the pockets of Zarqawi himself.

"When asked how he could be sure the information was authentic, al-Rubaie said 'there is nothing more authentic than finding a thumbdrive in his pocket.'"

It seems that Zarqawi was just a regular guy, not being careful with his files and moving around Iraq with them on his pockets. People really has a lot to learn about flash drives.

Source: Iraq Announces Info From Al-Zarqawi Raid

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posted by Henry Marcos at 12:14 AM

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