Friday, June 16, 2006

Should You Format or Just Simply Delete?

Google Answers is a source of great answers from questions coming from clients. You can search it as well for previously asked questions. I am a part of this answer service from Google and it is really fun.

Our feature today is an answer from a fellow researcher palitoy-ga. The client wants to know if it is better to use the "Delete All" function in a flash memory card or to format it altogether.

In this answer the researcher first explains what happens when you use each of the options above. "Deleting All" of it actually doesn't delete all but retains the file image. Meanwhile, using the format function completely deletes it.

"Generally and in basic terms, when you format your memory card you write to every spot on the card therefore removing all traces of what was on there previously. When you "delete all" from your card you are only removing the information that tells your card reader where to find your pictures on the card."

So he suggests that if you would likely need to retrieve that file in your memory card in the future, use the "Delete All" function so that you may have a chance of possibly recovering it in the future. But if you are selling or giving a card away then format it so as to completely erase your file.

Source: digital camera SD card

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posted by Henry Marcos at 5:13 PM

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