Thursday, June 08, 2006

Would You Use a USB Drive to Back-Up Data?

A new survey reports that only 54% backup their data. Those who do backup their data prefer CD-Rs and DVD-R Discs as backup devices while 25% use USB drives.

The percentage of those who use flash memory isn't bad actually since it hasn't really come to the cheap price levels of CD-Rs. Plus it has to compete with other media and also online storage. However, based on a post we had in the past, flash memory as a primary back-up is still not yet advisable at this time so people should be warned about this. USB Drives are still seen as one way to transport data conveniently from one location to another and not yet as the premier choice of storage.

Source: Survey: Some don't back up computer data

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posted by Henry Marcos at 12:07 AM

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