Monday, June 26, 2006

Bulletproof Flash Drive

It seems that flash drives are in a fighting mood these days. From US Military secrets to Terrorist finds, Flash drives have been on the war path recently.

Even the concept of USB drive design is reflecting this seemingly odd association. Pretec's i-Disk Bulletproof is what it names says it is. They say it is almost indestructible since even a bullet can't break it. I think such a portable storage system will be of great use to the military and law enforcement people who will need to carry around data. The downside however is that if something goes wrong and such flash drives falls into the wrong hands, military and police security could be compromised which will lead to even bigger problems.

"PRETEC i-Disk BulletProof is constructed with double layers of sealed protective metal, capable of preventing circuit damage from water, fire, and even shielding the heavy impact of a bullet."

Source: Pretec's Almost Indestructible USB Flash Drive

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